
I am Kaushik

“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.”
– John Johnson

About Me

Connecting the dots between coding and creativity. I am a web developer and C++ programmer who loves turning ideas into reality. Web Development enthusiast, with a passion for creating digital solutions.
In my opinion, coding knowledge will always prove to be an asset to the job market for anyone, no matter what field they are in, but I think on a personal level, it is just something that I enjoy. I am more of a right-brained individual, so I assumed coding would be boring for me, but it is actually allowed me to take my creativity to another level. -
lets build something!

My Skills & Projects


inkusio $ cd inkrusio_skills

inkrusio_skills(main) $ /SKILLS/

  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • C++
  • SQL
  • Node Js
  • Express Js
  • Wordpress
  • Next Js
  • Tailwind
  • Terminal

    inkusio $ cd inkrusio_projects

    inkrusio_projects(main) $ /PROJECTS/

    1. - Mapty App
    1. - Expense-Tracker
    1. - Pig Game
    1. - Guess My Number
    1. - Netflix Clone

    Contact Me

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